About Us

Welcome to "Ajc cooks"

Here you will find top quality cooking and gardening tips and tricks!
At"ajc cooks" we are obsessed with cooking & gardening, let's make the journey easy together it should be fun not the other way around Cooking is a caring and nurturing act it's kind of the ultimate gift for someone to cook for them, also food is a central activity of mankind and one of the single most significant trademark of a culture.

The "Ajc Cooks" journey

Our journey started from simply day to day cooking to developing professional level recipe and growing own produce in our back garden. It is an effort to make cooking and gardening easy for everyone.
Healthy lifestyle require healthy food we think growing our own produce is a simple solution to numerous health. environmental. and economic problems. growing your own food helps you eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, you decide what kinds of fertilizers and pesticides come in contact with your food. at the beginning we had to buy all the vegetable and fruits from supermarket, 95% of our daily food intake start from cooking at home for our family. after several years of gardening now we don't have to buy vegetables from supermarket. now we decide when to harvest our produce. As you know vegetables that ripen in the garden have more nutrients than some store-bought vegetables that must be picked weeks on early, we think we have built deep relationship with nature, and this is an effort to share with you our journey of love for cooking and gardening
curry, food, dish-ajccooks

It isn’t just the recipes we create or cooking we do! We do it for love, after sharing these recipes and gardening tips & tricks with you we get the overwhelming satisfaction that word can’t describe.